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Benefits Of An Online Text Editor For Students

23 November 2022 | 0 comments | Posted by Lucy Heatherton in Academia

benefits of online text editors

A text editor is the ultimate weapon of every writer. The features and options of a text editor enable a writer to deliver content at their very best.

However, sometimes the barrier of operating system and device compatibility limits the usage of text editors. Students face this challenge when they have to deal with file sharing and editing their academic work daily.

In this modern-day era, everything has gone online, including SaaS-based products and many online utilities. The same happened with text editors, who have become more efficient and reliable due to their online availability.

So, are online text editors better than offline ones?

In this article, we will share the benefits of an online text editor for students.

Advantages of online text editors in academics

Below we have given an in-depth view of how an online text editor can improve the writing experience for academic writers and students.

Saves time

Time is the most precious element when it comes to academic writing. Besides writing assignments and thesis papers, students must also prepare for exams and meet the submission deadlines. In this regard, offline text editors may require more time as students rely on physical data storage devices.

But with an online text editor, students can make things more convenient by instantly editing and completing their assignments. They can easily edit or write assignment material with all features and editing options available online.

Easy accessibility

Accessibility is a huge concern when it comes to academic writing. Suppose you were editing an assignment paper in your classroom computer system.

Now, if you want to access the same file, even from a different computer in the same lab, it is nearly impossible without moving the file from one system to the other via a USB hard drive.

But with online editing tools, there are no such limitations. An Online editing tool can be easily accessed from any device that supports a web browser. You can have to visit the platform via a link, and you are good to edit the file from any browser.

No compatibility issues

Software installation, account registration, and device compatibility challenge is always a significant concern for writers, editors, and students.

When you come across using an offline application, you have to download and install the complete package so it can support without connection. But this service stays limited to only the device on which the software system is installed.

With online text editors, there are no compatibility issues. If you can access Google or any other website from a device, you can also access the online text editor. No installation or download is required. You can visit the link and start text editing your document.


Another helpful feature that you can find in an online text editor is the autosave feature. Many offline text editors require manually saving the document whenever you type in anything. If you forget to press CRT+S and the power goes out, or the battery runs out, you will lose all the progress.

Moreover, if your hardware system goes out of order, it’s nearly impossible to recover the document file. But when it comes to an online text editor, there is no such thing as accidental data loss. The files are automatically saved online whenever you type in or cut out anything.

The online text editors are programmed to save the documents automatically on the server each time the changes are made. Moreover, you can access these files anytime you want by simply accessing the online platform.

Range of features

Offline text editors are only limited to a specific number of features. Students often have to access files written in the older version of an offline text editor.

When they try to open such files in the newer version, it gives the error and does not support the new formatting or editing options. With the online text editor, there is no lack of features or compatibility issues with any document files. You can edit any version of any text with an online text editor.

In addition, you get a range of editing options and font styles to write text which are commonly not updated or installed in offline text editors.

Convenient sharing options

Sharing is always seamless with online platforms. Students are not only responsible for editing or writing the assignments. But they also have to submit and share the assignments via email or other standard communication platforms.

That’s where online text editors become a beneficial option for students. After editing the assignment with an online text editor, students can save the written material on local storage or share it across online storage platforms.

They can email the assignment directly to anyone with just a few clicks.

Free to access

Most offline text editors may require licensed registration under a paid package to access full features. Such options are not beneficial for students as they must find more cost-effective means of managing their academic work.

In this regard, online text editors benefit from free online accessibility. Some online text editors may ask for free account registration. But still, you’ll get to access complete editing options, utilities, and a full range of fonts without paying a single buck.


Writing and editing tools are essential for content creation and assignment writing. The same goes for thesis or research paper writing, as students are looking for options which can make their life easier. With online text editors, students can achieve more with lesser effort.

These tools allow students to work more efficiently by saving more time on sharing and submitting the assignment. Text editors are easy to access from anywhere, anytime. We hope this article was informational to help you understand the benefits of text editors in academics.

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