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How To Expand Your Restaurant Outreach by Using Social Media

How restaurants should use social media

Ujëbardha Bekolli is a writer for Kiwi and she gives her take on how restaurants can leverage social media to promote their business to improve sales and encourage regular patrons. 

The number of people using social media worldwide is 3.484 billion, an increase of 9% from last year. The internet and social media have impacted the way people live, and mostly, the way people buy. Given the fact that information is available 24/7 to all people, they are choosing what to buy, where to eat, where to travel, more carefully.

Restaurants and social media

Social media is the perfect way to promote your restaurant. The number of people on social media and the role food plays in their lives, makes is the perfect opportunity and platform to advertise restaurants. People share their preferences all of the time. This makes it easier for you as a restaurant owner to understand better your targeted audience.

What you can do to improve it

Expand your presence

Posting regularly on your social media profiles will create a consistent pattern that will help you a lot. Your potential customers will associate the consistency with your brand and social media algorithms will favour you in search results. You can boost these posts as well by targeting your desired audience and reach even more people with the same interests.

Try to be present in as many social media as possible. Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest are the usual go-tos for restaurants. A posting schedule is another important factor in your success on social media channels. Noon and the evening are the times when people most use their social media. Pay attention to their engagement with your posts and lean towards that type of content.

Provide awesome content

Posting regularly is not enough if you want to expand your reach to new customers. The things you post have to be high quality, the same as the food you serve at your restaurant. Creating good quality videos and photos is not as hard as you think. You have to have a good quality camera (a smartphone will work) and a few editing apps. Try to have enough brightness on your photos and videos and a subtle filter. These things might sound silly and unimportant, but they can make or break your success on social media.

Improve your customer feedback via social media

Social media channels are a great way to receive feedback from your customers. People will usually go back to your page to tell others about their experience at your restaurant. Listen closely to what they have to say. By doing so you will be able to improve your services and expand your restaurant outreach.

Show your business values through social media

Showing off your brand and what you stand for as a business has always been important and social media is the perfect place to do so. By expressing your values and morals, you will create a closer relationship with your customers and will gain new ones.

What social media does your targeted audience use

Knowing where to showcase your brand and your work is an important part of a positive social media presence. In the internet age, it seems like every day that there is a new social media platform.

This might confuse you, but you will understand very quickly what people are gravitating towards. The average age of your customers and the average age of the people on those social media will give you the answer on where to be. Either way, you can’t go wrong with the classics, Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest.


The average age of a Facebook user is 40.5 years old. This means that if your customer base if mainly young people, don’t spend so much time on this social media channel. Something you can do to not lose that audience completely is automatically posting your photos and videos from Instagram.

Restaurant ads on facebook

If your audience if more mature, Facebook is the perfect platform for you. Most of your customers are probably there.


Instagram users are younger than those on Facebook. Their average age is around 18-34 years old. A younger audience means other preferences. Younger people are drawn more to aesthetically pleasing pictures and images. Use this fact to your advantage.

Restaurant ads on Instagram

About the author

Ujëbardha Bekolli is passionate about lifelong learning and self-development. She writes for Kiwi, which is a restaurant LMS that aims to help restaurant owners train their staff in an easier and more effective way. Moreover, they offer online training courses for different Restaurant services.

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Are you looking to promote your business?

South African catering businesses or restaurant owners can create your free business listing on nichemarket. The more information you provide about your food-related business, the easier it will be for your customers to find you online. 

Registering with nichemarket is easy; all you will need to do is head over to our sign up form and follow the instructions. If you require a more detailed guide on how to create your profile or your listing, then we highly recommend you check out the following articles.

Recommended reading

If you enjoyed this post and have time to spare why not check out these related posts and dive deeper down the rabbit hole that is social media.

Tags: social media , guest post

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