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How To Optimize Your CBD Website

19 September 2024 | 0 comments | Posted by Marie Hall in Industry Experts

How to optimize a CBD website

If you want your CBD business to succeed in today's competitive environment, you need a well-optimized website. As the market has grown, so have customers' options; CBD purchases are no longer completed on crappy websites and dingy online marketplaces that look like they were launched before the dot com bubble.

Don't believe me? Do yourself a favour and search out service providers, and you'll likely find stunning-looking websites with high-quality photography, information and a smooth-looking interface.

So why have things changed?

Simple! Money!

The CBD industry has grown more than 10% a year over the last decade. The global cannabidiol (CBD) market size was USD 7.59 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow from USD 11.16 billion in 2024 to USD 202.45 billion in 2032 at a CAGR of 43.66, according to Fortune Business.

As that cash flow roles in existing businesses can improve their offerings, while new entrants are willing to invest in a high-quality website because they are confident they can make their money back and start to collect profits eventually.

As CBD's popularity grows, so does the number of businesses offering the substance; therefore, your website must be accessible on both desktop and mobile devices.

So if you're already in the space and your website is looking drab or you want to jump in but need to at least launch with a site that meets teh standard, this guide should help you set the baseline for what customers expect in 2024 and beyond.

Page Load Speed

Like other Internet users, Laptop users place a premium on rapid service. Customers may abandon a website if it takes too long to load.

There are a few things to remember while designing a site for laptops:

Websites with lots of pictures may load slowly. You may decrease load times by using picture compression and resizing. Reduce the number of resources the page needs to fetch via HTTP. As a consequence, loading times will decrease.

By caching, previously seen pages from your site may be quickly retrieved by the user's browser on subsequent visits.

By spreading your website's info across many computers, a content delivery network may make server response times much faster. 

If all this is too technical for you, consider speaking to a web developer or signing up for a high-quality CDN that can host your website and will likely do all the optimisation for you.

Simple to Use

A clean and simple style will work best for laptop users. It should be easy to get to the main parts of your website from the main menu.

It has a list of things, a page with commonly asked questions, and a page with ways to get in touch. You should be able to see the control bar.

Drop-down lists are a great way to keep things in order.  

Writing that is Clear

Ensure that your CBD product's ingredient is useful on its own and has something interesting about it.

Search engines like websites with helpful information that keeps people interested. It's essential to stick to a regular writing plan that includes reviews from customers and facts about the many uses of CBD. 

Simple Forms to Fill Out

Check out the forms on your website on computers to see how well they work and how simple they are to use. Different types and sizes of screens should be able to read and quickly fill out the form on them.

One way to improve the user experience is to give them auto-fill options. These can make their work easier.

Safe and Reliable

When laptop users go online, they often worry about their safety. Thus, protect your website with HTTPS to keep it safe. Trust marks and SSL keys should be easy to find. More people will feel safe putting their info on the page.  

Remember you're going to request that users place personal information on the site, like their contact details and, in regards to an eCommerce site, their payment details, so you can't be leaving red flags and vulnerabilities on the table.

It will also help if you partner with reliable payment providers people know and trust, such as PayPal or a provider in your part of the world.

Additionally, you can consider payment options that other merchants don't offer, like Bitcoin or Stablecoins, which may attract a larger audience and keep them away from using a competitor because you make the purchase a lot easier.

CBD website mockup

CBD website mockup - Source: Istock

Videos and Pictures

Selling CBD is selling an experience, and when people can't touch something through a screen, you will need to bridge that gap through content; this can be done through high-quality imagery and video, as well as written content, that will provide additional context.

However, hosting more content means allocating the website and bandwidth resources that can slow down your site and hurt user experience.

When you do add media files to your site take a look at how your photos and movies load. Ensure they don't make it take longer for the site to load. Pictures would only load when the user moves their mouse over them, known as "lazy loading." 

Clean Design

When people visit your website, it should look sharp and put together. It should match how people know your business.

Get laptop users interested in your CBD products and content by getting rid of any information that isn't needful.

Get rid of moves that aren't needed, annoying features, and other things that are in the way.

SEO and discoverability

While CBD has started to move from a grey market to a more regulated market, it hasn't been fully embraced by advertisers, so getting the word out about your site and brand will take a lot more heavy lifting than the likes of a traditional store.

That's why we recommend you partner with a CBD link-building services agency to get high-quality links and drive quality traffic to your domain.

Your Website is Your Shopfront

Design, content, and technical tactics work together to make your CBD website work best for laptop users. If you follow the steps above, you can give your guests a smooth and exciting experience.

Keep an eye on how users behave and know the rules for your business. These steps will help you serve laptop users well and help the CBD market grow. 


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Recommended reading

If you enjoyed this post and have a little extra time to dive deeper down the rabbit hole, why not check out the following posts on SEO and search updates.

Tags: UX, UI, Conversion Rate Optimisation

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