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A Sustainable Solution To Load Shedding

Sustainable energy options for load shedding

Load shedding has become a common occurrence in South Africa in recent years, with power outages happening almost every day. It is no surprise that many South Africans feel frustrated and helpless, given that power outages affect everyone from small to large businesses, families, and individuals alike.

While businesses are being destroyed and unemployment continues to increase as access to energy holds back the countries' ability to produce value, the search for a solution continues.

The dire situation South Africa finds itself in is due to a combination of factors, corruption, poor planning, population growth, increased energy demand per individual and, of course, poor regulation. However, there is hope, and renewable energy presents a viable solution to the energy crisis facing the country.

Renewable energy sources, including wind, solar, hydro, and biomass energy, offer a sustainable and long-term solution to the current energy crisis facing the country.

Unlike fossil fuels, renewable energy sources are sustainable, long-lasting, and do not produce harmful emissions. Additionally, they offer an affordable and accessible solution to communities that are grappling with the costs of traditional power sources.

Solar energy

Solar energy has proven to be one of the most promising renewable energy sources in South Africa since the country receives high levels of sunlight throughout the year.

Solar panels convert sunlight into electricity, which can be used to power homes or businesses. While the initial cost of installation might be expensive, solar energy is an investment, and individuals can save money on energy costs over the long run.

Solar panels are great for individuals and businesses with roof space since they only cover an area that wasn't used in the first place and use it to provide additional power.

However, solar farming plants are limited in the amount of land they can cover and also require a cost-benefit analysis regarding the possibility of using that land for something else. While South Africa has many sunny days, balancing solar energy with demand and storage is another battle that makes it less effective as a commercial power source.

Solar also doesn't work at night, which also reduces its effectiveness.

That is not to say it shouldn't be part of the energy mix, it absolutely should be, but it is no silver bullet, nor will it ever be a substitute for base load capacity.

Wind energy

Another unsightly creation is the massive wind turbines that are used to source energy from the country's wealth of wind. Wind farms require a particular condition of regular wind to be effective, but there is a market for it, be it rather a niche.

Wind can also offer a scale; instead of only industrial wind farming, individuals can have smaller wind turbines on their property and use them to generate their own power.

Wind energy is a renewable energy source with significant potential in South Africa, given its strong wind flows. Wind turbines generate electricity by harnessing the wind's energy, which can be used to power homes and businesses.

Additionally, given that the country's coastlines stretch for 3 000 miles, offshore wind turbines could produce substantial amounts of electricity.


Hydropower is another energy source that has enormous potential in South Africa. With a variety of rivers and dams suitable for hydroelectricity installations, hydro energy provides a consistent source of power.

In addition to producing an environmentally friendly energy source, hydropower plants also have minimal carbon emissions and minimal waste production.

Biomass energy

Biomass energy is obtained from organic matter, including trees, crops, and organic waste, which can be used as fuel for generating electricity, liquid fuels, or heat. Biomass energy, if utilised efficiently and sustainably, can also provide an environmentally friendly and sustainable way of providing energy.

Conservation of energy

In addition to these renewable energy sources, energy-efficient methods in households and businesses can help reduce the reliance on traditional power sources. Installing energy-efficient light bulbs, using energy-efficient appliances, and unplugging electronics when not in use are some ways individuals can reduce energy consumption.

Covering the shortfall

While renewable energy sources are a long-term solution, the government has implemented short-term measures to address the current energy crisis. These measures include increasing the amount of electricity generated by Eskom's gas turbines, which produce electricity that is available on demand. Additionally, Eskom is exploring options like pump-storage hydro technology and diesel-fired power generation that could be used when needed.

Decentralising energy production

Renewable energy sources are a viable and sustainable solution to the energy crisis in South Africa as we seek to decentralise energy generation and take advantage of a healthy mix of energy. Renewables offer a clean and affordable energy solution that reduces the country's dependence on traditional power sources and helps protect the environment.

Using energy-efficient methods in the household or business is also an excellent way to reduce energy consumption and improve sustainability. The government's implementation of short-term measures also ensures that the country remains connected to power grids and has access to energy when it is needed.

Renewables also offer the individual consumer the chance to be independent of the grid, which more South Africans are opting for as they look for ways to avoid reliance on the state monopoly.

Keeping up with load shedding

While energy generation plans are great to talk about, costing and rolling them out is another story, and we will be stuck with power cuts for years to come. If you're not in a position to go off the grid or have a hybrid solution to avoid dealing with load shedding, you will need to keep up with the schedule and plan around it.

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Recommended reading

If you enjoyed this post and have a little extra time to dive deeper down the rabbit hole, why not check out the following posts on small business

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