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Keeping Your Home Healthy While Everything Around Us Is Not

05 October 2022 | 0 comments | Posted by Dea Muric in Constructive Criticism

Improve home health

Air quality tends to be worse in cities than elsewhere in the country. According to research, there are two big pollutants: Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) and fine particular matter 2.5 (PM2). NO2 has a distinct local pattern and is mostly concentrated where it is released, which are metropolitan areas and busy roadways. Although all metropolitan areas have significant levels of NO2, the areas around big cities have exceptionally high rates.

Along with this, PM2.5, which comprises soot and dust produced by the combustion of fuels and the application of brake pads to tires, is more extensively distributed. Despite this, there is discernible geography – levels in cities are higher than in their surrounding locations.

Other than air pollution, water pollution has become a global issue, and a constant examination of water resource policy is required to address it. Water contamination causes deaths and diseases all across the world, and around 14000 people die each day as a result of it.

Many elements impact water quality, including precipitation, climate, soil type, vegetation, geology, flow conditions, groundwater, and human activities. The biggest danger to water quality is provided by industrial and municipal point sources.

Technology has changed the way we live

Another thing that has a lot of impact on people’s lives is obviously technology; there are positive and negative sides to technology. Positive impacts are better communication, valid research dates, increased incomes, saving time, cost efficiency, etc., and the negative sides are; mental health problems like isolation, anxiety, depression, physical health problems such as eyestrain, bad posture, sleeping abbreviation, etc.

Now knowing all these threats that come from air pollution, water pollution, Technology, and many other concerns, you want to secure your home and family from these threats.

Air pollution

Clean air concerns are something we all could do without, as long as we have control over our environment. This matter could be done by having ventilators, which can help control indoor temperatures. Ventilation also helps remove or dilute indoor airborne pollutants coming from indoor sources.

This reduces the level of contaminants and improves indoor air quality. Other than Ventilators, air cleaners are another great alternative; they often include a filter or several filters, as well as a fan that sucks in and circulates air. Pollutants and particles are caught when air passes through the filter, and clean air is pumped back into the living room.

Filters are regularly constructed of paper, fibre (commonly fibreglass), or mesh, and they must be replaced regularly to maintain efficiency.

In addition to these, there are also some good options that positively affect the air and have been recommended by many people:

  • Indoor plants help to decontaminate the air by absorbing contaminants and releasing oxygen. Furthermore, they boost the standard of the air and reduce the dust level
  • Green cleaners have always been common for centuries; ago, they did not have chemicals and were naturally friendly since they are made from fresh, natural ingredients. The green cleaners are baking soda, vinegar, borax and essential oils. You can use them to clean and remove dust from any particular surface.

Water pollution

Contaminated water has become a global problematic matter. Knowing that water is an essential need for all of us, the best solutions will be to reduce drinking water from plastic which contaminates the water and install a reverse osmosis water filter which will improve the quality of the water and eliminate all contaminants.

Change starts with ourselves, and everyone can help in reducing water pollution by doing just some simple tasks in their everyday life; like not pouring fat on the sink, not throwing bathroom paper on the toilet, reducing the level of detergent and bleach, running the dishwasher or clothes washer only when you have a full load and do not dispose of household chemicals or cleaning agents down the sink or toilet.


Obviously has a lot of impacts on making our life easier, but sometimes this issue has a negative collision on our life like;


Technology makes things easier for us is reducing the level of walking, which is linked to physical health. That’s why sometimes it is best to go in traditional ways, you can do that sometimes by not always ordering online but going out shopping, or you can make a resolution to walk each day. If you obey the resolution, you have to disciple yourself.


Damages are becoming quite common, especially in the younger generation, since they use headphones that increase hearing damage. The best solution to this is to lower the volume of headphones to a healthy level which does not affect them later upon in life.

Technology supplies

There are a lot of supplies or devices out there in the market, and if you come across you will probably think that you need them. But if you think twice, do you actually require them? There are a lot of devices that release chemicals that are not healthy for the home environment. The best thing you can do in this case if you really need the device is to read the description to see if they are supported by authorities.

Friendly tips

  • Do not use a gas stove, if possible; while they can be cheaper; they are dangerous if not installed correctly, they could leak or lead to a possible explosion; they release nitrogen dioxide (NO₂), which is air pollution and can cause health problems, especially if you have breathing issues or asthma.
  • Get rid of plastics. To reduce the plastic, you can use shopping bags for groceries, get sodas from an aluminium can instead of a plastic bottle, switch to bar soap and boxed laundry detergent etc. Plastics are highly contaminating since they are the product of a lot of chemicals which are not naturally found.

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Recommended reading

If you enjoyed this post and have time to spare, why not check out these related posts and dive deeper down the rabbit hole that is decor and interior design.

Tags: Health, Home

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