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How Can I Improve My Childs Reading Fluency?

02 September 2019 | 0 comments | Posted by John Wruck in Academia

How to improve a childs reading ablity

How can you improve your child’s reading fluency? Reading fluency is an essential skill that all children should master as early as possible. Fluent readers master what they learn in class quickly compared to non-fluent readers.

Parents and teachers should work together to ensure that children become fluent readers. As a parent, you’ve probably tried several ways to help your child read fluently.

Today, we are going to discuss several proven methods to increase the reading fluency of your child. You’ll learn so much about your child by using the following methods.

Let’s get started!

1. Read aloud to your child

Even if your child can read without your assistance, it’s important to read with him or her from time to time. Reading aloud will help them understand how to inflect words.

He or she will realize how aspects such as intonation and rhythm work. Also, using different books from time to time will help him a develop a deep appreciation for knowledge and books.

2. Have a study room

A study room or reading area is a comfortable place where your child should read all the time.

Your study should be filled with different types of books. Having a specific reading spot will condition his or her mind to associate the room or area with reading.

Unless you are reading a nighttime story to your child, you should avoid having them read in bed.

Having a specified reading area will develop an appreciation for reading, which will ultimately ignite his or her interest.

3. Invest in audiobooks

According to best essay writing website, audiobooks are one of the best ways to help your child improve his or her reading fluency. Most adults have an easier time listening to audiobooks than reading the actual book.

Have your child listen to the audiobook while following along with his or her book.

You need not tire yourself by reading his or her favourite book over and over again. Investing in audiobooks will save you a lot of time and energy in the long run.

4. Discover reading problems

Most children are not fluent readers because of an underlying problem. It could be a physical, mental or psychological issue that is preventing your child from reading fluently.

Instead of forcing your child to keep reading, you need to figure out what the problem is.

Solving this problem will be the key to your child’s success. If your child has a learning disability, you must do your research and find out how you can assist your child.

5. Communicate with the teacher

The parent-teacher relationship hugely determines success in reading. Creating a relationship with your child’s teacher will help you know how he or she is progressing in school.

The teacher can also suggest several books that will keep him or her engaged at home and improve reading fluency.

One of the best ways to create relationships with teachers is by attending school functions regularly.

6. Pick books that relate to your child

There’s nothing as exciting as reading about a character who is going through similar struggles to you.

Choosing books that relate to your child will him, or let them find solutions to the problems he or she is experiencing.

It could be school refusal, difficulty in writing or bullying. If your child is old enough, you should always let them choose the books he wants to read. Knowing what he or she chooses will help you understand what he or she is going through.

7. Read a comprehension regularly

Reading comprehension is one of the best ways to improve reading fluency. It is miserable that most children struggle with understanding throughout elementary and high school.

Parents and teachers who focus on comprehension early enough give their children a great head start to succeed in school.

Once your child has read an understanding, you can ask him or her a few questions to see if he or she has understood it. Comprehension is not difficult at all if your child practices regularly.

8. Build vocabulary

A child can only be fluent, depending on his or her vocabulary. Building a child’s vocabulary starts long before he learns how to read and write.

A child’s brain learns new concepts by associating them with older, well-understood concepts.

Having some background knowledge will help your child build his or her vocabulary easily and quickly.

One of the best ways to build vocabulary is having your child read storybooks.

If he or she doesn’t understand the meaning of a particular word, help him or her search in the dictionary.


Improving reading fluency of your child is one of the most important goals you should set.

Developing reading fluency is not something that happens overnight. It happens gradually. As the famous saying goes, everything worthwhile takes time.

Even if your child is learning slowly, don’t give up. Patience pays. By using the tips discussed above, your child will not only improve his or her reading fluency but also excel in school without much struggle.

So, which tip (s) are you going to implement today? Let us know in the comments section down below.

Remember, it’s never too late to start helping your child.

Happy learning!

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